Building MyGUI
Building MyGUI was kinda painful, so it's time to document the entire process so it's not lost to time.
Getting MyGUI
You can get MyGUI here.
Getting the dependencies
- Download and compile SDL2
- Download and compile SDL2 Image
- Download and compile FreeType
Configuring MyGUI with CMake
- Set FREETYPE_LIBRARY as the path to freetype.lib file
- Set FREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIRS to the include directory of freetype
- Set SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR to the include directory of SDL2
- Set SDL2_LIBRARY as the path to SDL2.lib file
- Set SDL2_IMAGE_INCLUDE_DIR to the include directory of SDL2 Image
- Set SDL2_IMAGE_LIBRARY as the path to SDL2_image.lib file
- Compile MyGUI and have fun