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Script Initialization Data

This packet is sent by the server to the client while joining a game. It contains the initialization data related to Lua scripts that can store data. The only known use of this packet is to send the terrain data to the client.

  • ID: 0x0B (11)
  • Size: Variable
  • LZ4 Compressed: Yes
  • State: Joining
  • Bound To: Server -> Client


Field NameField TypeNotes
Game Tickbe u32The tick when the server sent this packet.
DataBlobData[Until EOS]The data the scripted classes are initialized with. This array is read until the end of the packet.

BlobData Payloads

In this subsection, UIDs of known BlobData and their payloads are listed. This is not guaranteed to be an exhaustive list.

Terrain Data

This BlobData contains the terrain data of the world the player is currently joining.

  • UID: 61aa13d7-e715-4153-a269-4d338c0c5bd4
  • Key: The ID of the world, stored as le u32
  • World ID: The ID of the world
  • Flags: 7 (0b0111)


A LuaObject that has been set using or

Field NameField TypeNotes
Terrain DataLuaObjectThe terrain data.