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Display Message

Displays a message in a warning pop-up, alert HUD, or in the chat.

  • ID: 0x12 (18)
  • Size: Variable
  • LZ4 Compressed: Yes
  • State: Playing
  • Bound To: Server -> Client


OffsetField NameField TypeNotes
0x00Type Sizebe u16The size of the type of the message.
0x02Typeutf8 stringThe utf-8 encoded type of the message.
0x02 + Type SizeMessage Sizebe u16The size of the message.
0x04 + Type SizeMessageutf8 stringThe utf-8 encoded message.

Message types

How the message is displayed depends on the contents of the Type field. If this field is set to <WARNING> or <ALERT>, the message is displayed as a pop-up or as an alert. If the Type field contains any other value, the type and message are printed in the chat instead.

Type stringLocation
<ALERT>Alert text


Popup displaying the message &quot;Example popup&quot;

If the Type field is set to <WARNING>, a pop-up with an exclaimation mark icon is displayed. The Message field is used as the caption, with space for a single line. It is not possible to provide a custom message body, but special Message values can set the caption and body to hardcoded values.

While the pop-up is open, the player is able to move, but unable to look around.

Special messages

If the Type field is set to <WARNING> and the Message field is set to any of the following special messages, the caption and body of the popup are set to their corresponding values. The interface tags are translated by MyGUI into the localized versions. The English localizations are listed below.

Hey!You're playing the game wrong! Stop that!
Failed to load worldVersion mismatch Please update your client and try again
Connection failed
Connection failedConnection to host timed out Please check your Internet connection and try again
Connection lostConnection lost Please check your Internet connection
Connection lostHost has shut down
Connection lostYou have been kicked from the host
WarningA previously used mod has been removed! This might cause the world to be unloadable. Do you want to do this?
ERRORThe world contains an unsupported part Required mod: <Unknown mod>
ERRORA problem occurred when handling the save file:

Alert text

Alert text displaying the message &quot;Example alert text&quot;

If the Type field is set to <ALERT>, a text message with an exclaimation mark icon is displayed in the center top of the HUD. The Message field is used as the text of the message, with space for a single line.


Chat message containing the text &quot;Example type: Example message&quot;

If the Type field is set to neither <WARNING> nor <ALERT>, the Type field and the Message are joined by the string : and the result is printed to the chat.

Known messages

List of known messages that the server can send to the client.

TypeMessageOccurs When
<WARNING>WARNING_TUNNELINGThe player falls through the ground and hits the teleportation area trigger.