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Compound Packet

This packet combines multiple packets into a single packet, which is then sent over the network. The subpackets of this packet must not be compressed.

Can contain any Server -> Client packet that is documented with LZ4 Compressed: Yes, because internally the game handles non-compressable packets in a previous stage.

  • ID: 0x1D (29)
  • Size: Variable
  • LZ4 Compressed: Yes
  • State: Playing
  • Bound To: Server -> Client


Field NameField TypeNotes
SubpacketsSubpacket[Until EOS]The array of subpackets contained in this packet. This array is read until the end of the stream.


Subpacket Structure

Field NameField TypeNotes
Sizebe u32The size of the subpacket. Equal to sizeof(Packet ID) + sizeof(Packet Data).
Packet IDu8The ID of the subpacket.
Packet Datau8[Size - 1]The non-compressed data of the subpacket.